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Citizen Endo is a research project led by researchers in partnership with
patients to better understand, and better manage, endometriosis

Endometriosis affects millions, yet it remains poorly understood, hard to diagnose, and difficult to manage. We harness patient partnerships and AI technology to both advance our scientific knowledge of the disease and empower individuals to better manage their condition. 

The free research app, Phendo, was co-designed with patients to  capture the diverse day-to-day experiences of living with endometriosis. It is a tool that lets researchers learn directly from patients and those still figuring out their diagnosis, while putting safe, ethical, and equitable AI literally right in their hands.

Citizen Endo is led by Dr. Noémie Elhadad, Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University and a woman living with endometriosis since age 13. The research team brings together experts in AI and human-centered AI, endometriosis, digital health, computational biology, ethics, algorithmic fairness, and privacy. 

Citizen Endo is a project led by researchers in partnership with patients to better understand, and better manage, endometriosis

Endometriosis affects millions, yet it remains poorly understood, hard to diagnose, and difficult to manage. We harness patient partnerships and AI technology to both advance our scientific knowledge of the disease and empower individuals to better manage their condition. 

The free research app, Phendo, was co-designed with patients to  capture the diverse day-to-day experiences of living with endometriosis. It is a tool that lets researchers learn directly from patients and those still figuring out their diagnosis, while putting safe, ethical, and equitable AI literally right in their hands. 


Citizen Endo is led by Dr. Noémie Elhadad, Chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University and a woman living with endometriosis since age 13. The research team brings together experts in AI and human-centered AI, endometriosis, digital health, computational biology, ethics, algorithmic fairness, and privacy.